Enrollment is Everybody’s Business
Campbell Schreiber offers consultation for all aspects of strategic enrollment planning. We bring your entire community into this process—faculty, staff, board, alumni, students, and others. Our approach is:
- bold, innovative, and mission-aligned
- equity-infused
- tailored to your institution’s needs
Our goal is to ensure that your students will thrive.
Call or email us today for an initial conversation:
646-355-8095; info@campbellschreiber.com.

For over 25 years, Mark has held positions as the senior enrollment officer at leading institutions across the United States. In these roles, he has overseen all elements of the admission cycle, from “top of the funnel” marketing to yield, financial aid strategy, student success, advising, registration and retention.
Mark has extensive experience leading an institution to broad consensus around a vision for enrollment strategy, and then implementing that vision through the development of a campus-wide strategic enrollment plan. His efforts have led not only to significant enrollment and revenue growth, but also to stronger application numbers, applicant quality, yield, retention and graduation rates as well as achievement of targeted diversity goals.
Mark previously provided leadership at the Vice Presidential level for several institutions including Berklee College of Music, The New School/Parsons School of Design and The Cooper Union. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and geography from Mount Allison University as well as a graduate degree in education from the University of Windsor, both institutions located in his native Canada.

Rachel Schreiber
Rachel’s professional experience in higher education spans over 28 years, as a faculty member and administrative leader. She is a historian, artist, and designer, with a PhD in American History from Johns Hopkins University, an MFA from the California Institute of the Arts, and a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design.
Rachel’s roles in leadership have included Dean, Executive Dean, Provost, and Interim President. An inveterate institution builder, she has been involved in all aspects of academic affairs and faculty leadership and governance, including launching new academic programs, creating faculty development opportunities, instituting social justice initiatives, overseeing the assessment and accreditation, conducting strategic planning, implementing admissions and retention programs, and more.
Rachel has also worked at the national level through her involvement with the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design. Through this organization, she has founded a highly successful and competitive national teaching fellowship program for graduate students of color, and the Academic Leadership Institute for staff and faculty of color. Rachel is currently University Professor of Art, Media, and Cultural History at The New School in New York City.